Thursday, February 5, 2015

iPad or Smart Phone, Which You Will Choose Then?

The iPad is five years old today. Do you have any iPad? Or do you think you need an iPad? Nowadays smart phones just get updated faster than we can expect and a lot of peripheral accessories or apps just diversify and perfect the functions of the mobile devices. It seems we use smart phone more often, at home, on the way or even for business.

Then what about the iPad? Is the tablet better than the laptop or better than the smart phone just as the design master Jobs said five years ago. We can use the iPad to browse the web, watch videos, play games, read e-books or do email. But even five years later, iPad is still never aimed at ‘power users’ who spend all day on computers and need powerful productivity features. Rather, it cater to ‘ordinary users’ who just need to casually consume Internet content. The comparison of iPad to cars by Jobs seems wrong today. In fact, smart phones are cars, yet the tablets look much like motorcycles.

The debut of iPad did not attract more users because hardly people know its advantages. When iPhone of older edition has just very small screen and MacBook battery can only work for two hours, the tablet seems nice choice and far better than smart phone or laptop. Yet, that does not last long because the iPhone and MacBooks are developed at a rather fast speed, just like the cars, once updated, which can always run faster and deliver better performance.

Now iPhones have bigger screens and can work better than iPads in various aspects. Now  iPhone 6 and 6 Plus and their Android equivalents are now convenient enough for people to do with mobile computing tasks. There is no need to carry around a tablet as well. MacBooks are getting lighter and lighter, and more importantly, the battery life is longer. Though iPads are easier to use, they look awkward. Initially, iPad is better as an on-the-go choice, but now, smart phone and laptop all get more lightweight.

How often do you use iPad if you have one? iPad is not popular or practical. But it still has its use. The nice big screen still makes the iPad shine. Maybe five years later, iPad can be upgraded to a smart car again. Who knows. Right now, iPads are still good as a luxury item rather than a necessity.

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